
March, 2014

‘Költögető’ campaign (writing poems) – ‘Read, draw, write a poetry book!’


Poems can’t only be read but they can be recited, too. If we ask children, and we let them find out their own poems, they will share them with us because children are full of ideas. This is the aim we ask our pupils of junior section to take up their pen, let their soaring …Olvasás tovább


Spring poetry competition – 6th March


We organized the Spring poetry competition on 6th March at our school with the start at 1 p.m. Curiosity of this program was that we invited preschool children, too. The 47 preschool children arrived from five different kindergartens of the town. 37 pupils from the junior section qualified to the competition after the previous qualifying round in their own classes. Contestants of each year were separately valued by the jury. Those children who came to our school this day, could take part in a pleasant, high-level competition.Olvasás tovább


Reviving of battle of Szolnok


The battle of Szolnok of the year 1848 was commemorated today in our town. The battle was evoked in Kossuth Square. Hungarian soldiers led by general János Damjanich defeated Austrian troops in Szolnok. It was the start of the glorious spring campaign.Olvasás tovább


‘Reading nook’ – 17th March


We are waiting for our students to the library in course of ‘Reading nook’ campaign on 17th March. This afternoon we would like you to bring your favourite novel, tale and to offer it to others with pleasure. Prepare for reading a short part of it!Olvasás tovább




‘Once upon there was a boy who became a dog. His name was Pál Szilas. What kind of a dog did he change into? Hungarian pointer. Why did he change into a dog? That’s it! He didn’t know either. Pali Szilas mostly was a quiet boy. ‘He is a hard-working, conscientious student, a well-behaved child’ – as his form-teacher described him.Olvasás tovább


Children, kindergartens, schools


‘What does my child need to be successful? What private lessons should I provide for my child if I can and from what age? When and how will I do good for him or her (when shall I help his or her future)? If I chase or spare my child? How will I know whether I choose well? What are the characteristics of a good kindergarten, school? What should I add to what kindergartens and schools demand from my child?’ Vekerdy Tamás, the well-known and popular psychologist writes about these problems in his book.Olvasás tovább


‘Spring poetry competition’ with preschool children


In spring the nature is renewed and so is our heart. This inspired us to announce our spring poetry contest for which we’re waiting for preschool children and parents, too.

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